Once Upon a Time…

July 5, 2010

…in a land not so far away and a time not so long ago, meat was considered healthy, vegetables were dietary supplements, and fruits were considered desserts. Grains were used very sparingly in a way to “round out” a meal. Sugar was not available as it is today, and was limited to the higher class, as they were the only people to be able to afford it in any quantity. Artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup and other preservatives were not even thought of, let alone used, in any manufacturing of food-like products. And obesity was limited to a select few who truly had “inherited” this condition.

The Shift

Then something happened that made everything turn upside down. A few misguided “doctors” mistakenly theorized that cholesterol is responsible for heart disease, as it clogs up the arteries, etc, etc. So then everyone jumped on this mistake bandwagon, making everyone think grains were healthier than meat…which made butchers trim off most of the healthy fats off of meat. Before this, meat had at least 50% fat…not anymore. Today, it’s lucky if a person can find 20% fat on meat. Society says that if we eat less fats and more whole grains, we will lose weight. However, the more people try to do this, the bigger they get.

Today’s Obesity “Epidemic”

Before the government completely messed with the food recommendations in 1992, Americans were less fat and healthier. As a kid, I never heard of kids becoming Type II diabetics…nor did I see so many people so overweight as I do today. I was an average sized child and adolescent, but after following the recommendations of the government when they revamped it to make grains the bottom level on the pyramid, I became overweight in a hurry. (Well that, and the rest of my story here.) The so-called obesity epidemic of today is because of the pyramid scam implemented in the early 90’s. Before this, there were 4 food groups–meat and eggs; dairy; fruits and vegetables; legumes, nuts and seeds. And the recommendations were to get close to an equal amount from each food group. There was not the epidemic of obesity that there is today…hmmm, makes one wonder, doesn’t it?

Get Back to Basics

I am told that not everyone is the same in how they process food, and how they react to certain food items. Yes, people do react differently to food and other substances…it’s what makes us unique. And I have also been told that we need some grains in our diet to be healthy. I am not so sure this is true, entirely. If grains did not exist for human consumption, (only for animal consumption) and we were living mostly on meat, with a few fruits and vegetables thrown in, would we still be healthy? Not everyone thinks so, which tells the level of brainwashing the government has performed on society. (Follow the money on this one, folks.) No one NEEDS grains to live on…before agriculture really took off and grains formed the basis of our diets instead of meat, how did people survive and thrive then? Why were there less food-related diseases back then? And why were there less obesity back in those days?

To be healthy, grains need to be put on the back burner (so to speak) in favor of more meat and other non-grain foods. Sugars and other sweeteners should be used sparingly, or none at all really…but a little in moderation should be okay. Get back to the basics that created vibrant health and vitality in our species in the first place. Do your research to “justify” eating this way…don’t rely on just my experiences and words. Many medical studies, not reported by the media mind you, have shown that the basic way of eating is the healthiest. In weight loss, and in health, saturated animal fats have beaten the low fat, grain based diets hands down–every single time! This cannot be just a coincidence. It must be that what people instinctively knew about health so many years ago was actually true, and that our “supposed” healthy foods today are just junk foods in disguise.

Cut the Grains!

No, we don’t need grains to live on, or even thrive on. Grains have a highly addictive quality to them, and when people say they “feel” better on them, it says to me that it is providing the high that other people get from drugs. But the thing is, people do not think this way. In fact, they think that they feel good because the grains are healthy, not addictive. And trying to get off of grains is just as bad as trying to stop any other addictive substance. However, it becomes twice as hard as it needs to be, because everyone in society says that it’s okay to eat grains. That it is healthy for you, and that you’re not wrong for eating grains. Just because everyone says it’s okay, does it make it so?

Do an experiment–cut out the grains from your diet for just one week. Note how you feel, how clear your mind is or is not, and what your digestive tract does. Then once the week is up, have a little bit of grains…and then note how you feel. Then, based on your findings, choose to either include or exclude grains from your diet.

Angry Yet?

I know a lot of people who read this post will become upset with me for saying this. And that they will think I am spouting foolishness and nonsense…that I have been brainwashed by the meat industry, etc. Well, they have that right to their own opinions. Unfortunately, this is the way 99% of the population will treat this post…as utter nonsense. It doesn’t matter that the majority of the medical studies un-publicized back me up on this post. What matters is public opinion, apparently, when it comes to health ideas…and what matters is that, because I have no degree that says I am an authority on this topic, I am just an uniformed idiot. It doesn’t matter that I have spent many years in the pursuit of true health and informal research. It doesn’t matter that our ancestors thrived on saturated animal fats and very little, if any, grains. It doesn’t even matter that people have increased in size, on average, over the past 20-30 years on implementing the government’s dietary recommendations to eat more grains.

What matters for most people is their long held opinions, and that those who have a piece of paper stating they are an authority on nutrition state the opposite of what I am saying here. (Again, follow the money…) And the only thing that matters for most people is that if the government tells us to eat more whole grains for heart health, they will eat a lot more whole grains. Then they will wonder why they are ballooning up in size…they will even blame everything else but the grains for their size change.


I am angry…angry that so many people are following the recommendations of the government without even thinking for themselves! Angry that grains are clouding up the minds of so many intelligent people…and creating an entire society where we become complacent enough to follow any ridiculous suggestion. You think that just because the government says something is healthy, that it is? Just look at so many recalled drugs in the past ten years. Or look at the many retractions about so called healthy foods in the past 20 years. Then…when you can get your brain un-fogged, look into how much money really is changing hands between the food industry and government officials. It’s not just the grains, but industrialized foods in general that are becoming unhealthier on a daily basis. The government does not care about your health anymore than your dog cares about learning how to read. It just won’t happen anytime soon, right? So, live if you want to, in the idea that grains are healthy. I, for one, will not and cannot live in that world anymore.